Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Fight With Food

For as long as I can remember I have been the pickiest eater that I know. I thought it’d be interesting and different to talk about some of the food that I hate, and also some that I enjoy.

It is pretty common knowledge that if a food is green, I probably won’t touch it. I don’t know why I hate vegetables so much, but the only one I will ever eat is a potato, and I love potatoes. I do a little better with fruits, as I’ll eat apples, bananas, and grapes, as well as the occasional pear. This means that I don’t like salad, which a lot of people do.

I have discovered over the years that I dislike certain foods that most people love. One such example is peanut butter. I. Hate. Peanut butter. I don’t know what it is about it, but any time I try to eat peanut butter I gag, and the smell alone sickens me.  This caused some problems when my parent would make lunches for us because I wouldn’t eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Along with this, I don’t find nuts tasty at all.  This eliminates most candy bars from my diet, such as PayDay’s, or Baby Ruth’s, or 100 Grand.  As if this didn’t eliminate enough candy bars, I also don’t like caramel, which clears out most of the rest.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, I find it extremely hard to drink milk unless it is chocolate or in my cereal.  I also don’t like macaroni and cheese, which most people seem to love. Another food that I won’t eat is seafood.  Fish, shrimp, crab, you name it - I probably wont eat it.  This has made it very difficult for my mom to cook at home as she wants to make stuff I’ll eat, while making her favorite foods as well. All because of my pickiness.

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